About Us

The Founders of TransAmazingLi are top Amazon Sellers from Spain that have trained Native Speakers (Spanish, French, Italian and German) with experience on Amazon to optimize your listings and help you to launch your products across Europe and successfully put your products in front of millions of new European customers.

The concept of TransAmazingLi started in early 2016 when the founders noticed that most of the listings in the Spanish marketplace were not well translated and were placed in the wrong categories, therefore more than likely they were not using the right keywords.  If those listings were not optimized in Spain, chances are that they would not be for the rest of the European Marketplaces either. Moreover, we noticed that loads of US sellers were trying to escape from the fierce competition in that country and that they all wanted to start selling in Europe but they all have one barrier: THE LANGUAGE.

We want to bring down that huge barrier for all Amazon sellers, overall for the small ones. But we want to add even more value by not just translating your listings but optimizing them so they are compelling to your customers. Everything is at an affordable fee, even for those just starting.

Therefore, we decided to start up with this Project to help those sellers who were lost in the European Amazon Jungle.

As Amazon Specialists, the Founders have done the legwork for you, saving you precious time. They have personally and carefully looked for and trained a selected group of native translators with ecommerce background to insure that your products are properly optimized and localized so they look naturally appealing to new customers in each country.

With each work done for each client, we help our clients boost their sales in the European Marketplaces, so we force them to innovate, diversify, take chances, and lead. The Founders have never lost sight of their principle of making their clients successful.

Finally, let us tell you that we love working with people. Human relationships are what add value to our lives. This is why we like to tell our clients that they will always be dealing with human beings. People will work on clients’ listings as if they were their own, always looking to achieve the best results and never losing sight of their principle of helping their clients achieve the success they seek.