
TransAmazingLi is an approved member of the Amazon Seller Central Partner Network (ASCPN)

Want to Access Millions of New Customers on Amazon?

Amazon’s International Marketplaces offer a great opportunity to scale up your Amazon business offering the exact same products. You can grow your business by 2x, 5x or even 10x, simply accessing a huge new source of traffic.

However, you would need to have your listings localizations optimized in order to get those amazing results in foreign marketplaces. That is, you need the right positioning to draw from that new stream of traffic and carefully translated copies to have good conversion.

Buyers prefer product listings in their native language – German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Swedish, Japanese, Arabic, Korean or Polish – just like you do. Otherwise they have to guess what you are offering, which most of the times end up with them buying from a competitor. In order to avoid this, many sellers rely on Google Translator.

However, that is a grave mistake.

While Google Translator is a fantastic aid when asking for directions or getting an underground ticket, it completely lacks human touch, not to mention the compelling flow of a sales copy. Google Translator does not turn out sales copies and many times it produces translations that simply make no sense and that will mislead your customers.

Basically, relying on Google Translator or any similar service may hurt your business in two ways that yield NO SALES.

#1 Low Traffic

Machine translations and even human ones from people who do not understand how Amazon works could be understood most of the time, but they won’t convert well.

Now more than ever, if you want to be successful selling on Amazon you have to use specific and relevant keywords in the Title, Bullets, Description and backend search terms to have buyers find your listing organically. You need to have the right POSITIONING if you want to SELL.

Unfortunately, most of the time, English words do not translate directly to other languages. They need a human interpretation as there are cultural and language differences that only a native would be able to spot, tweak and successfully implement. Just think of the difference between a cooking sheet and a baking tray or between plastic wrap and cling film. If you listed a crib in the UK you’d have very low traffic to your listing and if you listed a cot in the US you most likely would experience the same poor traffic. It’s not just the language, it’s the terms the locals use that you need to know.

As you can see, it’s the actual WORDS used by locals that really matter. In Spanish, for example, you will find that people from South America do not use the same terms as Spaniards do, and thus won’t be aware of them. This goes even further as there are differences between different areas of the same country. Just like in any other country, locals are the only ones who know about these different words.

#2 Low Conversion Rate

Put yourself in your buyer’s shoes for a second. Imagine you land on a listing that is written in poor English that lacks the flow and the tone of a native. You can guess what it’s trying to say but you can’t stop thinking of the right terms that should have been used.

What would you do 99% of the time? Switch to a competitor’s listing. PERIOD.

This is what potential buyers would do and you don’t want that.

Every time a potential customer jumps out of your listing, its bounce rate increases, damaging the BSR of your listing.

But even worse is the low conversion rate because of poor translation. Low conversion rates have a twofold negative impact: you make no sales and your listing loses ranking which leads to even less organic traffic and sales.

What Other Options You Have

Apart from using Google Translator or any other machine translation service, which we absolutely don’t recommend, there are other options like hiring native translators on Fiverr or Upwork, for example, or using some of the big online translation companies.

The main disadvantage of these services is that, even though you can get nice prices, you have to spend a lot of time sorting out through loads of freelancers, and they probably won´t have enough knowledge about ecommerce in general and more specifically, what an optimized Amazon listing needs to have.

Why are we different?

Our company has been founded by Amazon sellers who know what needs to be done to get just one product to 6 figures across all Amazon Europe Marketplaces.

We hire and train ‘Locals’ from the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Sweden, Poland, Japan, Korea and UAE, among other. These people are not just translators, but marketers and ecommerce people who understand their country’s market and how to write the RIGHT message to that market.

In addition, we have implemented an ongoing training program to keep our people up-to-date with Amazon’s algorithm and policy changes as well as with the best keyword and listing writing practices.

Not only will our services improve your Amazon business by enhancing the positioning and the conversion rate of your listings, but they will also benefit YOU on a personal level and further improve your business.

You will be assigned a project manager who will take care of everything for you. This way you will save a lot of time by not having to deal with different freelancers and in multiple languages.

Instead you will send us the original listing copy and receive all the different language-optimized copies you want. We will be your one-place stop to get everything done, leaving you free to spend your time growing your business and doing what you most love to do.

When you hire our services you are actually buying your ticket to the top of the Amazon sellers. You are positioning yourself way ahead of all those other sellers who just rely on Google Translator or direct translation services which simply lack the touch of real and good converting copy and research that set you on the way to success.

Here’s What You Will Get!

  • Exhaustive keyword research for your product

  • Carefully translated titles using the best keywords optimized for desktop and mobile devices

  • 5 bullet points and a product description translated, optimized and adapted to the native language so the product appears attractive to local buyers

  • PPC keywords and search terms (backend keywords) from a keyword research and never translated

  • Follow up email sequence translation (up to 500 words)

  • Right category (browse node) for the specific marketplace

All these services are what we call the “Full Service”

We know you may not want to expand your offers to all marketplaces just now. That’s fine and we have you covered.

With TransAmazingLi you can get your product listings optimized to as many languages as you want.

Very simple: think of how many sets of product-language you need. One set is the translation of 1 listing to 1 language.

Special Intro Offer*

$3900for 1 set
  • Full Service

1-3 Sets

$8900per set
  • Full Service

4-7 Sets

$8300per set
  • Full Service

8 Sets or More

$7500per set
  • Full Service
  • Better Positioned Listings –> More Traffic

  • Carefully Translated and Optimized Copy –> Higher Conversion

  • More Traffic + Higher Conversion = More Sales

*Localisations to Swedish, Japanese and Korean have a $5 supplement per set.

**Contact us for technical or sensitive content as well as bulk localisations to get a personalised quote.

Invest in Your Business, Expand it and Get More Sales

Let’s assume you make a $5 profit on each sale. At $89 per product and language, you would only need 18 sales to get a full return on investment, not to mention the time you’ll save by not having to look for a translator with ecommerce background for each language…Spend your time where you will have the GREATEST IMPACT: finding more quality products.

Getting to Trust Every New Online Service Is Difficult

We know this and that’s why we have created this special offer to let you try our services by minimizing the risk.

You will get our full service pack for your first set (1 listing + 1 language) for just $39.

Special Intro Offer*

$3900for 1 set
  • Full Service

This is less than half the regular price for the same service and you would only need 8 sales to get a full return on investment!

*Intro offer is only available to first-time clients who want to try our services.


How can I let you know about my translation requirements?2017-04-26T08:39:58+00:00

Once you have selected the offer that best serves your needs, head up to checkout. There, you will find a box in which you can tell us your specific requirements for the optimization/translation service. In addition, you will be able to upload your source listings, and your email sequence.

If you have any question please send us an email to info@transamazingli.com or, if you have already made a purchase, to orders@transamazingli.com

What if I have more than one product that fall within the same niche and that are very similar to each other?2017-03-26T17:37:49+00:00

Let’s say that you, for example, are selling dog food bags. You might offer puppy food, food for adult dogs and food for giant breeds. In this case all of your products fall within the same niche and are very similar to each other.*

In these cases we would offer you a special price. Please contact us for more info.

*In order to avoid any confusion, here is another example of what is not considered as similar products within the same niche. Let’s say you are selling resistance bands and fitness balls. These two products could fall within the fitness niche, but they are completely different products.

What if my product has several children?2017-05-10T07:43:20+00:00

If the children are the exact same product but with a variation of color, size, etc, we would consider that as one listing only. We would provide you with the right terms for the different variations at no extra fee.

On the other hand, we won’t consider the listing one product if it has children which are not the same product.

If you have any questions regarding the eligibility of your product listing, please let us know. We are here to help you.

Can I submit my listings on a language other than English?2017-02-28T21:27:48+00:00

Currently we only accept source listings in English but we are always looking to add more value to our customers. Thus, we will welcome your proposals and we will always go the extra mile to fulfil our clients’ requirements. Contact us for more information.

How long does it take you? Per set or per order? Per language?2017-05-10T07:35:48+00:00

An order of up to 10 sets will be ready within 7 days.

Is this a magic bullet?2017-03-26T17:36:17+00:00

Optimizing your listings will open a gate to around 500 million of new customers. This means a huge new traffic source to your products. However, we cannot take accountability of the source listing you send to us. We promise we will optimize the translation and localization of your product listings by carrying out a thorough keyword research followed by a human-done translation and optimization, but we won’t touch the source listing in English.

Do you offer any revisions?2017-03-26T17:35:33+00:00

We will make any changes within a week, starting the day you received your finished order from us.


Our prices are based on the number of sets you order. A set means 1 product listing translated to 1 language.

What if I’m not selling in the UK and Europe yet?2017-04-26T08:40:42+00:00

If you are not selling yet in the UK and Europe, you certainly want to seriously consider doing it sooner rather than later. You don’t want to miss out on being way ahead of the curve on this opportunity. Learn more on how to do it here.


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